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Newsletter: August 2022

'Don't look at the big, overwhelming issues of the world. Look in your own backyard. Look in your Heart. What do you care about that isn't right where you live? Fix it.'

Mike deGruy


Ana Lucía Fariña returns to Macaw to our newly expanded yoga deck. We see old and new faces, positive intentions, wil to work and enjoy the body, and an additional guest: Carlos ‘Tapado’ Vargas. Musician and composer specialized in percussion and photography, Tapado believes in the healing power of sound. Alongside Analu, founder of Pranaluz, health and wellness promoter, they created a space of relaxation and healing. After a powerful yoga pratice, the group had a meditation oriented practice: kirtan. The concept is translated as ‘repetition’ from Sanskrit. It’s described as a practice in which you meditate, sing, and worship the Divine


A few weeks back visitor Andrew Russell spotted a Purple Crowned Fairy Hummingbird (Heliothryx barroti). With it’s beautiful deep green back and white body, this hummingbird carries a purple crown on it’s head. This bird is not typically found in the Central Valley. Andrew came to visit Macaw searching for this hummigbird. He came clearly to find it. He brought a chair, and walked towards the heliconia patio. Since Day 1 he was photographing, observing, and waiting. The second day he sat to look at 6:00 AM and waited. It was until midday that the hummingbird popped up again. Andrew shared his pictures with us and we can appreciate here the beauty of the bird and the moment.


We participated in the Clean Beaches of Playa Tarcoles Campaign with other groups. Just in front of the fishermen, we started recollecting and gathering trash, residues and other things that the rains have washed upon our shores. We had a lot of kids from the School and Community of Bijagual, The Association of Women of Bijagual, and the Turtle Movement. We were approximately 70 people. We arrived at 8:00 AM and right there in the beginning of the Tarcoles Beach we start picking up trash. Step by step, we managed to gather half a ton, or 500 kilograms. It’s impressive and very moving to see so many people active, with the will and desire to help the environment. It’s amazing to visualize the collective effort and it’s impact on our coast.

Ready to visit? To plan your travel and your stay, please feel free to reach out to us:


Whatsapp: +506 8762 9090

Phone: +506 8310 9073

Written by Gabriela Mateo